Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Wonderful World of Color

I am very behind on my updates, but here is a first look at the first sequence with color!  Full color coming soon! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Brief Hiatus, but back on track!

It's been a busy summer for both me and the animators, but we're back on track, and moving into the wonderful world of color!  Josh has already got started on some fantastic color animations, which I'll be posting very shortly.  For today though, the spotlight is on Mike, who did the color on the background for Scene Two! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Big is Beautiful

Jess and I gave Mike a few comments on his sketches for the Principal's office.  One thing we agreed on is that he should have lots of BIG items in his office, mostly to hide behind when problem kids are dragged into his office. 

Mike did a rough sketch, and labelled all the big items in the office.  My personal favorite is "giant zen fountain.".  Colored background is coming next! 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Glimpse of Scene Two

As you know, we're in the process of turning our black and white animatic of the first part of Scene 1 into a pretty, colorized version.  While that is going on, Mike has sketched some background options for the next scene, which takes place in the Principal's office. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

More Moving Pictures

This is our nearly-finished animatic, missing only the "mishap" that sets all the chaos in motion.  However!  This version DOES include an ultra close-up of our dastardly bug.  Don't ever say I never give you people anything. 

Our other animators have moved on to creating the characters and backgrounds for the next scenes. Our next steps are to:  build the polished, colorized version of the animatic for the teaser trailer and also begin work on the next scene.  Stay tuned for some color animation and new scene work coming soon! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

All dressed up...

Josh has been making more progress on the animatic, and I'll have a new video next week.  Until then, Dwight has dressed our two gals, Dusty and Alice, up in their private school girl uniforms. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Building a Trailer

It became clear early  in the pre-production for Bug House that the best teaser trailer we can make was creating the first thirty seconds of the movie.  The team has really hit their stride and we’re getting close to having the rough animatic for the trailer done.  In the video below, the animators built on the previous animation of the Show and Tell boy droning on….and on….and on….about his Venus Fly Trap.
I’ve been getting updates from the team fast and furiously and have a backlog of art to share.  Keep an eye on this blog for updates.