Who are you, by the way?
Official bio lovingly cut and pasted from my main site, dejennerate.com
Jenn Dlugos is an award-winning screenwriter from Boston. Her screenplays have been recognized by many competitions including the Francis Ford Coppola’s American Zoetrope Competition, the Feel Good Film Festival, The Beverly Hills Film Festival and the Yosemite Film Festival. She recently directed her first comedy documentary on beauty pageants, There She Is…, and just released a book of embarrssing moments called Mug of Woe. When she is not writing, Jenn’s favorite activities include: avoiding tripping over her feet while jogging, public speaking without a “Kick Me” sign taped to her back, and not falling off a dogsled going full speed through a forest. Her production company is Capricorn Pictures.
What is a bug house?
Bug houses are plastic containers designed to catch bugs so kids can keep them as pets. Kids in my neighborhood would spend summer mornings scouring the neighborhood for crickets, grasshoppers, or caterpillars. This was before cable television was invented.
Sum up Bug House in one sentence.
Simply put, Bug House is an animated comedy about a kid’s first pet.
Why animation?
The truth is that Bug House never started as an animated film. It was intended to be live action. But every producer I sent it to said the same two things: a) they LOVED the script b) it needs to be animated. And so, here we are.
Can you draw?
That’s a matter of opinion. Given the consensus from my last game of Pictionary, the overwhelming opinion is “no.”
So how are you going to do this?
With the help of a brilliant artist, Jessica Therrien. Definitely someone you’d want on your Pictionary team.
And why blog about it?
1) Animation is a loooooooooooong process, so I have fodder to blog about for quite some time.
2) It’s a brand new medium for me, and growing pains are always amusing to read about when they happen to someone else.
3) It will act as a quick reference for Jessica and I when we do a director’s commentary of the film as a special feature on the Bug House reality show Season 9 box set.
I want to get involved in the project and/or have questions that this frivolous FAQ did not answer.
Email me here: bughousemovie@gmail.com