Saturday, April 23, 2011

Building a Trailer

It became clear early  in the pre-production for Bug House that the best teaser trailer we can make was creating the first thirty seconds of the movie.  The team has really hit their stride and we’re getting close to having the rough animatic for the trailer done.  In the video below, the animators built on the previous animation of the Show and Tell boy droning on….and on….and on….about his Venus Fly Trap.
I’ve been getting updates from the team fast and furiously and have a backlog of art to share.  Keep an eye on this blog for updates.   

Friday, April 15, 2011

And last but not least...

Allow me to introduce our final main character...Mandy!  Mandy becomes an unexpected mentor to Dusty. I envisioned her as a perfectly ordinary teen girl with an extraordinarily welcoming face.  This is what Dwight came up with. 

I have more video of the animatic coming next Thursday, so stay tuned for more moving pictures!  

Friday, April 1, 2011

Test Animation

The team is hard at work on the big animatic, but here's our first glimpse at some test animation.  This is the first couple seconds of the film.  It's Show and Tell day, and Plant Boy is droning on and on about his venus fly trap plant.  The plant clearly has better things to do.