Saturday, May 21, 2011

More Moving Pictures

This is our nearly-finished animatic, missing only the "mishap" that sets all the chaos in motion.  However!  This version DOES include an ultra close-up of our dastardly bug.  Don't ever say I never give you people anything. 

Our other animators have moved on to creating the characters and backgrounds for the next scenes. Our next steps are to:  build the polished, colorized version of the animatic for the teaser trailer and also begin work on the next scene.  Stay tuned for some color animation and new scene work coming soon! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

All dressed up...

Josh has been making more progress on the animatic, and I'll have a new video next week.  Until then, Dwight has dressed our two gals, Dusty and Alice, up in their private school girl uniforms.