Thursday, November 11, 2010

All Great Things Start With Blueberry Beer

Well, maybe not all great things.  But this thing, certainly. 
When I wrote Bug House, I envisioned it as a short live action film.  After sending it around to several producers, I realized that this was incorrect.   The script demanded to be animated.  Awesome!  This is going to be great!  I love animation!
Except...I can’t draw. At all, really.  Especially people.  Any time I try to draw a person, they look like the poster from the movie  Communion.  And there are people in Bug House. 
So I put a call out on Facebook for animators. 
A writer friend of mine suggested Jessica Therrien, a local artist who I’ve had the pleasure working with on a short film for the 48 hour film festival some years ago.  After two months of having completely incompatible schedules, against all odds we were both able to meet at the same time on the same day at Joshua Tree Bar and Grill in Davis Square, and Bug House was officially in production. 
We made a pact to meet every two weeks to keep production rolling (for the record, there was no blood exchanged in this pact, but the bar does have the best blueberry beer on the planet. Hops do run thicker than water).  This blog will be updated after every meeting.   Sometimes with sketches, sometimes with production challenges, and often with food and beverage reviews.  In the meantime, check out the About the Bug House Movie page


  1. AWESOME!!! I love blogs... and yes J-Tree is the best. I think all meetings should be there. At least for the beer. The bill might be hard for everyone. Meetings can def be at my place in Lynn if need be. I realize that is FAR, I'll make dinner and have beer though. :)

  2. We can use my place too. Though i vote for J-tree as much as possible. Their waffle fries will get a special thank you in the credits.
